Thursday, December 4, 2008

Four More Observations

Today I visited Colmcilles Secondary and Primary Schools. I took the 15 bus to the secondary school first. I got there almost an hour early. I was thinking I could have slept in longer, but you can never tell with the buses, so it's best to be early. My student teacher was on the computer in the staff room when I arrived and so he logged me on so I could check email and do some online grading for a class that ended before I got here (better late than never). Then I went to watch him teach an English class to 12-13 year olds on advertising. After his class ended it was break time (tea) for the entire school, so I had ten minutes to catch up with my other secondary student teacher. After tea I observed her teach a lesson on Christianity in Ireland. She was a tad nervous teaching about St. Patrick to a bunch of 12-13 year old Irish students. When she told them that it was just legend (and not fact) that St. Patrick wore green, rid the country of snakes or used shamrocks I thought they were going to run her out of class (or the country). They would hear none of that drivel. She had to let them know that noted historians made those conclusions and they promptly told her that the historians must have been wrong. Everyone knows St. Patrick wore green, rid the country of snakes and used shamrocks.

I had an hour to make the ten minute walk to Colmcilles Primary School. Since it was noon, I decided to stop at the SuperQuin (grocery store) to see if I could grab something quick for lunch. I never actually get to eat lunch when I am out observing. There is either no time between schools, or no opportunity based on being way out in the 'burbs. Today I had time and opportunity, so I opted for the soup to warm me up. After I finished I wandered the store and wished we had a SuperQuin in Grove City. The salad bar had no less than 26 different salad options. And the pastries...

At the primary school I got to observe two PE classes. There is some comfort walking into a PE environment. The first lesson was a dance lesson to second graders. They did a great job and really enjoyed creating their own four person dance. I got a few on video. Very cute. The other student teacher was teaching a lesson using stations with a Christmas theme. It was very creative and the first graders really seemed to like the variety of activities. They were all active and busy and having a good time.

After leaving Colmcilles I walked about ten minutes to the nearest bus stop. My colleague had told me last week that you get on the bus on the other side of the street from which you got off. Makes sense. So...I waited by a yellow pole with a bus symbol at the top. No shelter, no bus schedule, just a random pole. Across the street there was a shelter and a schedule and even a bench. And about six people. As I stood alone I wondered if I was at the right spot. More people would be heading into the city, not further out in the burbs. Hm.... I pondered the situation. Ten minutes, fifteen, buses in either direction. Finally a woman walked by on my side of the street. I asked her if I was at the right spot to head back into the city and she said, "Oh my no, love. This will take you into the mountains. You need to be across the street." I said something like, "Good to know. Thanks," and jaywalked across the street, maintaining absolutely no eye contact with the six individuals who were standing across the street from me this entire time. So...thirty minutes, forty minutes and still no bus. I was to meet Annie at Kilkenny's for tea at 3 and it is now 2:45. As the number of riders increased, and the school children walked past on their way home from school, one young man made a call and found out that the bus would be arriving in about 10 minutes. Apparently there was an accident and the bus had to take a huge detour. I waited about 50 minutes for the bus 15 this afternoon. In the bitter cold and wind. I was cursing the weather and all of Ireland at that time. The 45 minute ride back to city center seemed to take forever. So... I was almost an hour late for meeting Annie and had no way of contacting her. She was enjoying tea, and a scone, but starting to worry. Since she was exhausted from a full day of touring (check out her blog for updates!) and I was still chilled to the bone with frozen feet, we opted for a quick meal and then headed home for the evening. We just fired up the fake fireplace and the room is starting to warm up. Finally...warmth!

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