Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pittsburgh Airport

I am beginning this trip much like I did last year, in the food court at the Pittsburgh airport. The students are all here. They were to report to the Continential check in by 10am. They are free to wander until 11:30, when they are to report to the gate. We depart for Newark at 12:47pm. We have lots of time to kill today. With a group of 17, it's better to allow extra time then cutting it too close. The students seem excited, and a bit nervous too. I saw a few tears when they said good bye to their families and significant others. Six weeks is a long time to be away, and some of these kids haven't ventured too far from western PA in their young lives. They will definitely come back a changed person. It will be a wonderful experience for them and they are ready to get started.

After our fairly short flight to Newark, we have a layover of 4 hours and 45 minutes before we take off for Dublin. That will be a drag, but again, better to have extra time then miss our flight with a tight connection. I'm not sure if Newark has wifi, so this may be my last post until Dublin. We leave Newark at 7pm and arrive in Dublin at 5:50am. Miles to go before I sleep (in a bed, that is).

Until next time...


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